Good News x3, by Jo Anne Nay

“How could we share the good news (gospel) with the unchurched?” was the question Pastor Eric asked at the meeting of our newly elected officers in late January.
Here are my 3 good news words (in not only for church people language):  abundance, gifts and called.
Abundance.  We proclaim abundance in contrast to a world that believes in scarcity and competition.  We are not a wealthy church by American standards and we are amazed by all we DO have.  Living abundantly means paying more attention to what you DO have rather than what you do not have.  It means sharing; each week we pray:  “May we share our abundance with all who have need.”
Gifts.  We believe each person is gifted by God for the common good.  We work at recognizing the unique and valuable gifts of each person rather than expecting only certain leaders or popular or successful people have something to share.  You will find many amazingly gifted people here!  We need those differing gifts.
Called.  We believe we are each called by God to use our gifts.  Clergy are not the only ones called to ministry.  We are called to use our gifts where our deep passions meet the world’s great needs.  Perhaps it is giving away food at the SSCM Pantry or the Produce Markets.  Or being compassionate in our work as a banker.  Or teaching or tutoring children.  Or working for justice in our community.  Or showing hospitality to a new neighbor or to an immigrant.  Our gifts matter and our gifts contribute to something bigger than ourselves.
Abundance.  Gifts.  Called.  I hear this as good news for my life.  What about you?



