May 10 Time and Talent Meeting

Everything we have is a gift from God, and those gifts are to be used in service to God and others. We all have our interests in life. Things we love doing, things we love to share, things we must do. The Church Community family relies on one another to tend to the ministry of North Church. There are the daily routines, the frequent events, and there is God’s call to ministry in the community. It does not matter whether we have been given great talent, abilities and wealth, or very little. What matters to God is whether we make good use of what we have been given, whether large or small.

On Sunday, May 10th, we will have an opportunity to express our commitment to share our gifts and time with our North Church community. There will be a pledge card with a wide variety of interests and needs at North Church for your consideration for using your valued gifts. Renew a commitment to a service, try something new, or add something not listed. There are many ways to serve God and the North Church family.



